2007. Who Benefits from Online Learning? Considering the Learning Disabled Subpopulation. Innovate, an online education journal. 2007.
The effect of multiple sclerosis on executive function, memory, attention, and processing speed. Educational Therapist, Volume 28, (1), pp. 12-15.2007.
Preparing Kids for Hospitalization. Notebook, March, 2007. 2007.
Multiples Attending Different Universities. Notebook, January, 2007.
2006. Field data collection for head injured and gifted adults for the Fourth Editions of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Test and Wechsler Memory Scales. Psychological Corporation.
2006. The role of the right hemisphere in comprehending spatially oriented text. Educational Therapist, Volume 27 (2), pp. 16-19.
2006. Reading Development: Clues to a Potential Reading Problem. Notebook, September, 2006. 2006. Technology Tools for Learning. Notebook, 2006. July, 2006.
2006. The Myths and Realities of Autism. Notebook, March, 2006. 2006. Kindergarten Preparation Ready or Not, Here Comes Kindergarten! Notebook, January, 2006.
2001 Sandoval, J. & Grimes, J. Help for the beginning test user: Review of Kaufman & Lichtenberger, Essentials of WISC-III and WPPSI-R assessment.
Contemporary Psychology, 46, 483-486.1996. Co-authored an educational study looking at the relationships between environmental stress and attention/learning skills in traumatized children.
Grimes, Jennifer, and Jaja Jackson. 2019. Start Here: What You Must Know About Yourself Before You Make Important Life Decisions. Jennifer Grimes.